Certificate in Supervision Management

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image Course Duration : 1hr 54 mins

Supervisory management is the act of overseeing teams of employees and guiding daily operations in a business. A supervisor or manager is the company's connection between the employees and the executive team of the business.

Businesses typically employ various types of supervisors and managers to oversee projects and employees and to ensure the productivity and reliability of the company's workforce.In this section, you will explore what supervisory management is and how to be successful with this management style.

Learning topics

Module 1: The Theory of Supervision
Module 2: What makes a Good Supervisor?
Module 3: Effective Communication
Module 4: Communication Skills Needed During Hiring Process
Module 5: Motivating Employees
Module 6: Providing Supervision
Module 7: Performance
Module 8: Preventing and Managing Bullying at Work
Module 9: Managing Groups and Teams
Module 10: Taking Action in the Workplace

We offer


Access on mobile and PC.


No assessment.


Certificate of Completion.

Special inaugural offer
One month Plan
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